Why You Should Never Wait to Get a Repair

Why You Should Never Wait to Get a Repair - Motorwerkes - BMW Repair Calgary

As much as you love your BMW, you may occasionally run into a mechanical problem that you wait a bit too long to address. It’s a common phenomenon and we witness it a lot with our clients. Unfortunately, it can land you into bigger trouble than you were to begin with, and there are a few key reasons why.

Common Examples

What kinds of maintenance are commonly avoided? Oil changes may be number one on this list. This could be because the issues that occur after skipping out on changes are accumulative and do not become particularly apparent until they reach an advanced state. Tire wear and pressure also frequently go neglected, as well as brakes and undiagnosed engine problems. Whether you feel and hear a difference in your drive or that engine light comes on, ignoring the signs means putting the safety of yourself and your passengers on the line!

The Time Efficiency Problem

One of the central reasons we see for delays in servicing is simply the amount of time in a day. It’s understandable that those who are frequently busy experience difficulty fitting a service appointment into their schedule. While it might seem as though you can afford to ignore that bothersome problem in favour of staying time-efficient throughout your day, the truth is that waiting too long for a repair is likely to steal more of your time in the end. This is particularly true if the problem causes a breakdown and your day comes to a standstill. Getting that repair sorted out as soon as possible is the best preventative measure you have for scenarios like these.

Considering the Cost

Just as you are liable to experience a significant cost in time, letting problems out of hand can lead to maintenance and repair costs that may not have been necessary at an earlier stage. This is one of the primary reasons we give for staying on top of both incidental repairs and scheduled maintenance. Scheduled visits are perhaps easiest to make the mistake of avoiding, as they do not carry the sense of immediacy that sudden issues do, but keeping on track with all your recommended intervals will save you significant amounts of money over time!

To learn more, give us a call at (403) 768-3163 today.

Taking Care of Your Tires During Spring

Taking Care of Your Tires During Spring - Motorwerkes - BMW Services

In previous blogs, we’ve spoken more generally about how the seasons affect your tires, particularly when winter car care is needed. This week, we’d like to refresh and expand on this a bit. Now that spring is here, a tire switch or rotating might be needed!

Switching Types

Did you drive your BMW frequently during winter or did you store it? If you drove it, you probably had a set of winter tires installed. As mentioned in our blog on spring car care, you should switch these out for summer times once winter is over. If the temperature outside has started to exceed 7 degrees, this is generally a good time to make the exchange. Ensuring that you are equipped with the appropriate tires for the season will optimize your traction and safety as well as reduce the likelihood of tire failure.

Wear & Rotation

If a vehicle you stored during the winter was not fitted with winter tires, have a look at the tires that it’s currently equipped with. How is the condition of the treads and siping? When was the last time you had them rotated? Signs can take many forms, including vibration during your ride and visible wear such as cupping and feathering. Having your tires rotated at the proper interval will maintain even wear between front and rear and extend the overall life of your set, not to mention improve your mileage over time. How often you rotate will depend on your vehicle, so asking your technician for a personalized recommendation is a great idea.


As you may know, a change of season can mean a few different things when it comes to tire pressure. If you’ve stored a vehicle, you should check to make sure flat spots have not developed due to low temperatures and extended periods in a stationary position. If you drove your BMW during winter and are switching tire types, don’t forget that it can be easy to over-inflate in warm weather if you’ve become accustomed to the low pressures experienced in the cold. As long as you know what to keep an eye on, your tires will stay in great shape!

Taking your BMW for a drive on a clear day is what many of us look forward to once spring gets going. To keep everything running smoothly so that you can have best ride possible, get in touch with the Motorwerkes team at (403) 768-3163 today!

5 Things Nobody Tells You About Owning a Luxury Car

5 Things Nobody Tells You About Owning a Luxury Car - Motorwerkes - BMW Services

While the word “luxury” may seem intimidating for some, a top-notch vehicle could be more within reach than you think. Here are 5 insights that might surprise you.

The Entry-Level Model is Your Friend

These days, the leaders in luxury vehicle production are catching on to the fact that expanding their consumer base is good for business. Both BMW and other companies offer a number of entry-level models that make their standard of quality more accessible, allowing new consumers to enter their markets. BMW’s 3 Series Sedan and 4 Series Gran Coupe are perfect examples.

Your Investment Has Sustainable Value

When you’re considering the purchase of a home, one of the top factors on your mind might be resale value. The same can be said when looking for a quality car! The great thing about luxury vehicles is that, as an investment, they retain their value much better over time. The cost/benefit aspect of this is particularly true of entry-level models.

Well-Made Means Cost-Efficient

While it may be tempting to stay as under-budget as possible in the short term, things change a bit once you look at the bigger picture. If your vehicle of choice was relatively inexpensive upon purchase, its structural integrity and quality may not be so great. A vehicle that has been carefully constructed using only the highest quality parts is usually less likely to fail you in a costly way later on. As they say, you get what you pay for!

Safety Is Priceless

One thing that manufacturers like BMW are particularly renowned for is the amount of research and engineering that they invest into safety for many of their models. A luxury vehicle will likely be equipped with advanced airbag systems, stability and traction control, anti-lock brakes, and more. At the end of the day, you can’t put a price on safety and peace of mind for you and your passengers.

You’ll Have Specialized, Dedicated Support

What many of us specializing in BMWs know about top-quality vehicle design is that it has a way of attracting truly passionate experts. With a high standard of engineering comes a high standard of maintenance and care. Your vehicle will get more than just run-of-the-mill maintenance, it will get a personal touch that money can’t buy!

Have more questions about the perks of owning a vehicle with the mark of true quality? Motorwerkes is here to provide you with answers and more. Give us a call at (403) 453-0269 today!

Car Care Tips for Spring

Car Care Tips for Spring - Motorwerkes - Interior and Exterior Detailing Services

Each season comes with its own conditions and extremes that make certain aspects of vehicle care particularly important to be aware of. The transition from winter to spring is an important time to keep a close eye on certain things, so let’s take a look.

On the Outside

By the end of winter, there’s a certain amount of wear and tear that has inevitably accumulated on the exterior and underside of your BMW. The combination of water, road salt, and dirty slush can add up to some unfortunate corrosion, rusting and other issues if a proper cleaning isn’t carried out when spring kicks in. Getting an undercarriage wash and detailing of the exterior will help to alleviate these problems and get your spring off to a good start. Your wipers have almost certainly been working overtime for the past few months, so be sure to check their condition. And don’t forget to have those winter tires switched out for a set of summer tires!

On the Inside

Chances are you’ve either done or are planning to do some spring cleaning around the house. What’s true for the interior of your home can also be true for the interior of your vehicle. Various forms of debris, dirt, and other unpleasant material has probably gathered up. Take some time to open all doors to air out the interior, throw away bits of trash, remove winter floor mats, and vacuum all floors and small spaces. Cleaning and protecting plastic surfaces, as well as vinyl, leather, or other upholstery materials, is always a good idea.

A Professional Check-Up

When it comes to fluid levels, hoses, your battery, and other critical components, having your BMW serviced this time of year can make a significant difference in how your maintenance requirements develop throughout spring and summer. It can be quite relieving to catch any winter-induced issues early on and take care of them right away. Have road conditions lead to any problems with your suspension or alignment? The shock administered to your chassis by potholes, for instance, can build up and have you pulling a bit to one side. The more thorough your spring check-up, the better your spring driving will be!

Looking forward to those smooth, sunny drives again? Motorwerkes can help you keep things in good order with a thorough check-up and our new interior and exterior detailing services. Call (403) 453-0269 to make an appointment today!

Assessing the Condition of Your BMW Before a Road Trip

Assessing the Condition of Your BMW Before a Road Trip - Motorwerkes - BMW Inspection Calgary

With warmer weather comes a great opportunity to take your BMW for a trip out on the open road. Whether you’re running solo or going with friends or family, it’s critical that you keep your vehicle in the proper condition for the journey. Here are a few things we like to look out for.

Oil and Fluid Levels

How long has it been since your last oil service? Do you follow the Motorwerkes recommendation of 5,000-8,000 km intervals? Road trips can add on a considerable amount of extended strain to your engine if everything isn’t running smoothly. Depending on the distance, you should also be prepared for the possibility of having to refill your oil in the middle of the trip, so taking some with you may be advisable. After considering the oil, your brake and wiper fluids as well as coolant levels should be next on your list.

Brakes and Tires

Even if your brake fluid has been checked, that still leaves the condition of the brakes themselves. The importance of this in terms of safety goes without saying, especially with all the braking you’ll need to do in certain environments. Similarly, knowing the condition of your tires is imperative. Have you switched to a summer set as recommended in our blog on seasonal tires? Be sure to get this done and to keep your pressure within manufacturer-recommended range. Don’t forget that checking pressure at a lower temperature will give you a more accurate reading!

Battery and Other Components

When it comes to your battery, cables should be firmly in place with connections in tact and there should be no signs of corrosion. If you spot that unsightly residue on the cable clamps and terminals, it can be dealt with using a toothbrush and baking soda or with a specialized terminal brush. However, depending on its age, having your battery tested may be a good idea. Continue to cover your bases by checking your wipers, all lamps, and other small components. Then you’ll be able to enjoy those long stretches of road with true peace of mind!

Keeping your BMW in the best condition always makes for a better road trip, keeping you and your passengers both safe and comfortable. To schedule an inspection and for further advice, give Motorwerkes a call at (403) 768-3162 today!