Why Is Routine Oil Service So Important?

Why Is Routine Oil Service So Important? - Motorwerkes - BMW Experts Calgary

There are many rules of thumb to keep up with when it comes to taking care of your BMW. Staying on top of your scheduled maintenance is one of the most important, and particularly when it comes to oil service. If you’ve ever wondered why, we’ve got the answers.

Oil and Your Engine

An engine is a complex mechanism comprised of many moving metal parts that tend to rub up against one another at very high speeds. Naturally, this creates friction, and motor oil is there to make sure that this friction doesn’t get out of hand. Over time, however, that oil is exposed to a lot of heat, oxygen, and other factors that add up to oxidation and other changes in its molecular structure. The result is a sludgy version of what it used to be, too viscous and unclean to do its job. In fact, at this point it has more capacity to harm your engine than help it.

Understanding Oil Service

The main goals of an oil servicing are to drain the used oil from the oil pan, replace the used oil filter with a new one, and add clean oil to the engine. However, an oil change is an excellent opportunity to gain an overall sense of the condition of your vehicle. Therefore, a truly skilled BMW oil servicing will take you a bit further in terms of value and detail. Our oil services, for instance, include a complimentary 40-point visual inspection that can uncover any number of issues worth addressing. Topping up of all fluids and a tire pressure check are also good moves!

Securing a Routine

Developing the ability to stay on top of routine maintenance of any kind is important no matter what model of BMW you have. Once you’ve decided to follow your local technician’s recommendation for your vehicle and not to avoid or put off that oil service, this will be the perfect precedent for you to set a higher standard of care. It will mean that you can establish more positive car ownership habits that will save you money in the long term and keep your car on the road for as long as possible!

Your BMW deserves expert routine maintenance, and you deserve the best possible experience to go along with it. If your vehicle is due for oil servicing, the team at Motorwerkes can provide this and so much more. Call us at (403) 768-3165 to find out what we can do for you!

Only the Best: Sticking to BMW Parts and Maintenance

Only the Best: Sticking to BMW Parts and Maintenance - Motorwerkes - BMW Experts Calgary

After last week’s blog we may know what makes a BMW what it is, but what about BMW parts and maintenance? You’ve probably noticed we stress the importance of proper, certified care, and there are plenty of reasons for it! Let’s run through some of the most important ones.

Tools and Techniques

If you take your BMW to a generic mechanic, that mechanic may possess fairly comprehensive knowledge of how automobiles function and what they need in order to operate properly. However, a certain level of specialized expertise will be missing. In order for a BMW to receive the right care, the latest and greatest BMW-certified diagnostics and repair tools are necessary, from hardware to software. To top it off, the mechanic working on your BMW needs to have extensive experience with and intimate knowledge of the maintenance techniques that are going to bring out the best in your bimmer.

The Right Parts and Fluids

There’s no getting around it: if you want optimal, long-term reliability and performance, the highest quality approved parts and fluids are the only way to go. You may think that the recommendations in your manual are just there as a formality, but the truth is that the people who engineered and designed your vehicle understand its needs better than anyone. For instance, a BMW always requires synthetic oil of the right formula. Meanwhile, low-quality aftermarket parts may seem to save you money, but they won’t hold up like OEM parts and top-notch aftermarket upgrades will. This means longer life and higher cost-effectiveness in the long run.

The Standard of Service

Setting aside all the technical and mechanical details, you really can’t beat the BMW philosophy when it comes to client experience. BMW-certified technicians have dedicated a lot of time to learning the ins and outs of BMW maintenance and repairs, but it’s not just to attain the status of a certified expert. It’s because living up to BMW’s high standards of service is a challenge they believe is worthwhile. Every BMW driver should leave their service appointment happy and excited to enjoy their drive once again. You can’t always count on generic car service for that!

A BMW isn’t just any car, so it shouldn’t be treated with generic parts or sub-standard maintenance. Once you experience dedicated care from a BMW certified technician, you won’t want it any other way. Get in touch with Motorwerkes at (403) 768-3165 to learn why!

What Makes a BMW?

What Makes a BMW? - Motorwerkes - BMW Maintenance Experts

Even if you’re dedicated to taking care of your BMW, do you know what exactly it is you love about it? Whether you’ve got a classic or one of the latest models, it’s hard not to wonder what exactly makes a BMW so unique. Here are a few key characteristics that are iconic to the name.

The Design

Even without owning one, the first thing a person is going to notice about a BMW is likely how it looks. The designers at BMW don’t take aesthetics lightly. It’s not just about obvious features like the iconic kidney grille or the BMW roundel, it’s about the subtle details that only a true aficionado might recognize. The Hofmeister kink, for instance, is a trait of the vehicle’s C-pillar that lends to the body’s dynamic appearance, even symbolically reinforcing BMW’s dedication to rear-wheel drive. Overall, the body structure of a BMW displays a calculated balance between classy elegance and technical versatility.

The Engineering

Of course, as good as your BMW may look, its sharp appearances aren’t all it has to offer. As mentioned above, BMW has built a tradition around engineering their cars with rear-wheel drive or rear-focused all-wheel drive. This, in combination with a front engine, is a critical factor in maintaining optimal weight distribution and providing a drive that feels both smooth and powerful. While there are plenty of exceptions, the straight-6 engine and manual transition have also historically been hallmarks of BMW’s engineering approach. Regardless of the specifics of your model, it’s all about enjoying the utmost power and precision of control.

The Experience

The experience of owning and driving a BMW can be described in a number of different terms. It can relate to the interior of the vehicle itself, for instance. BMW designers tend to place ergonomics and interior comfort very high on their priority list in order to meet the standards of the modern driver. There’s also the philosophy of BMW ownership and the experience that BMW experts provide for their clients. You can always expect that a BMW-certified technician will not only know their stuff, but they’ll also own and love a BMW of their own. For them, all of their work is a personal endeavour, and this means better service for you!

Whatever you love most about your BMW, there’s no denying that it deserves the best maintenance available. The Motorwerkes team has the experience, training, and dedication that the BMW philosophy calls for. Give us a call at (403) 768-3165 to make an appointment today!

Winter Car Care: A Few Common Myths

Winter Car Care: A Few Common Myths - Motorwerkes - BMW Experts Calgary

We’ve walked you through a number of recommendations for taking care of your BMW during winter, but as with any topic regarding a vehicle, it’s just as important to be aware of common misconceptions. Here are a few to watch out for.

Your Tires

One misconception that crops up here and there regarding tires is that you only need to have two winter tires installed. This is not the case, and it’s always recommended to get a full set, as differing traction between the front and rear of your vehicle can be risky. Another pitfall is the assumption that winter tires are only needed in particularly icy conditions or in environments outside of urban areas. The truth is that wet, low temperature weather calls for winter tires regardless of what part of Calgary you’re in, and whether it’s actively snowing or not!

Your Battery

If your BMW has had a breakdown or just needed some help getting started thanks to the cold, you may have gotten a friend or family member to jump-start your car. A common assumption at this point would be that your battery will be recharged in a matter of minutes. This isn’t true during any time of the year, but it’s particularly false during winter, given the difficulties that a battery can have in low temperatures. Depending on the age of your BMW and the batter itself, you’ll likely need to keep things running for much longer, and could even require a load test to make sure it can hold a healthy charge.

Steering, Braking, and Stability

Many BMW owners might be enthusiastic about the latest traction and stability control technology, or about the fact that their model has all-wheel drive. They may also assume that this makes for flawless safety. The reality is that these functions aren’t substitutes for smart driving and winter tires. The same goes for ABS. Your braking should be more careful and calculated this time of year. Meanwhile, if you think that slightly deflating your tires can offer better traction, think again! When in doubt, ask your local BMW certified technician to find out if a certain piece of winter advice checks out.

Our goal at Motorwerkes is to ensure that your BMW runs and looks great for as long as possible, no matter what the season. Whether it’s an essential repair or an exciting performance upgrade, we’ve got all your BMW needs covered. Get in touch by calling (403) 768-3168 today!

Starting Your Car During Winter

Starting Your Car During Winter - Motorwerkes - BMW Experts Calgary

Depending on a few different circumstances, such as the model and age of your BMW as well as how you store it, you may occasionally experience a little trouble when starting it on a particularly cold day. Let’s take a look at why this might be and what you can do.

False Starts

Getting into the car and starting it up in the morning isn’t always the most pleasant process when you’re in the middle of winter. Your heating system won’t start doing its job until the engine has warmed to its proper operating temperature, but even before that, some drivers might have difficulty getting the ignition going. As many of us know, your BMW depends on many different types of fluids to work, not to mention your battery and your spark plugs. All of these can be affected by extreme low temperatures, so they’re the first things to keep in mind.  

Possible Culprits

Naturally, gasoline has a tougher time burning when it’s been sitting in your engine losing all of its warmth overnight. Many forms of engine oil will change in viscosity, becoming thicker and therefore working against the engine when it needs to get in motion. If you’re overdue to replace your spark plugs, their age is an important factor when it comes to ignition, so harsh winter temperatures on top of that certainly don’t help. And of course, winter cold can put a significant damper on the electrochemical reaction that your car battery depends on to help start your vehicle.

Taking the Right Steps

Overcoming the inconvenience of winter ignition trouble is easier than you think. Park in a garage or under some form of shelter any time you can. Be sure to turn off all electrical components before turning the ignition. When you do, don’t keep the ignition active for too long, otherwise you could overheat your starter. Depending on how cold it gets and the condition of your vehicle, using a block heater might be helpful. In any case, if you do run into persistent problems and suspect battery or spark plug issues, be sure to take your BMW in for a checkup as soon as possible!

Experiencing any issues with your BMW this winter? Come by Motorwerkes, and we’ll be happy to take a look. Our BMW certified technicians have decades of combined experience and are dedicated to giving you the best results. Call (403) 768-3168 to set up an appointment!