Winter, Your Vehicle, and Visibility

Winter, Your Vehicle, and Visibility - Motorwerkes - BMW Repairs Calgary

No matter how advanced your driving skills may be, or how well you take care of your BMW, there are other variables during winter that can present themselves on the road and cause trouble. The better you take care of your windows and understand visibility, the safer you’ll be!

Windows and Windshield

You may think that unless you’ve ended up with a crack or other conspicuous problem then you’re good to go, but there are many more things to consider. For instance, you should always pay attention to the condition of your wipers, as they’re working overtime in winter weather. Don’t scrape too hard when removing ice from glass, and never use hot water, as the abrupt temperature change can lead to cracks. Take advantage of your defrosters even before scraping, and keep glass surfaces as clean as possible so that you can see clearly.

Interior and Exterior Lights

Headlights not only help you see, but they also let other drivers see you. Slacking on headlight replacement is one of the more common causes of road hazard when it comes to visibility. Be conscious of how long you’ve had your current bulbs in and replace them accordingly. Keeping the plastic of each headlight and tail light assembly clean and free of debris is also important. Avoid using your brights when in a particularly snowy situation, as this can create a reflective glare that is dangerous in and of itself. Don’t forget that turning your dome light on when driving at night is also no a good idea.

Knowing the Weather

Planning ahead will serve you well in just about any circumstance. This is true for preventative maintenance and repairs, and it’s just as true for understanding the conditions of the road before you head out for the day. Check the weather and be mindful of any advisories. The more prepared you are, the safer your drive will be. Prior to getting in, starting up, and pulling away, be sure to clear your entire vehicle’s exterior of accumulated snow, not just the windshield and rear window. As usual, it’s wiser to avoid taking chances and instead stick to common sense!

There are many components to road safety, no matter what season you’re in. Whether it’s making smart choices on the road or in the garage, Motorwerkes is here to help you stay in the know. For maintenance, repairs, and more, call us at (403) 768-3165 to make an appointment today!

A Few BMW Repairs You Should Never Attempt Yourself

A Few BMW Repairs You Should Never Attempt Yourself - Motorwerkes - BMW-Certified Maintenance

A good vehicle is a long-term investment, and the better you take care of it, the more you’re getting for your money. Many drivers assume that saving in the short-term by attempting DIY repairs is usually a good call. Let’s look at some situations where this is definitely not the case.

Engine and Diagnostics

BMW drivers like us have a strong enthusiasm for automotive engineering and learning more about what makes a vehicle go. It can therefore be understandably tempting to try and diagnose an engine problem yourself. While the desire to get your hands dirty is admirable, engine diagnostics are best left to a BMW certified mechanic. This isn’t just a matter of being equipped with the latest approved tools and software, it’s a matter of preventing costly damage that can make your problem worse. So before you dig in to determine a potentially complex issue, go with a professional check-up instead!

Timing Belt

This may seem like a rather unassuming and nonthreatening item to replace, but it actually poses significant risk if attempted by an untrained hand. Naturally, it will need replacement at an interval recommended by your local BMW expert, and the replacement should take place in a timely manner so as to prevent further damage. However, don’t let this motivate you to do it yourself. As a procedure, it involves a lot of engine disassembly and reassembly. If you’re not experienced in the process, you could end up making a mistake that increases the cost of repair and replacement by a considerable amount.

Transmission and Suspension

Transmission repair is one of the most significant and also essential procedures that a vehicle can undergo. Since it requires expert handling of many different parts, not to mention the costs of the damage that a DIY procedure can lead to, this is one best left to a trained technician. The same goes for suspension repair, which can be dangerous both in the process (crawling under a heavy car) and in the aftermath (an unskilled repair could mean a very hazardous drive). Remember that the most experienced hand is always worth it in the end!

There are plenty of BMW maintenance procedures that are best left to a certified technician, not only for the sake of preventing costly damage, but also for the sake of safety. When in doubt, you can always give Motorwerkes a call at (403) 768-3165 to find out what your best options are!

How Does Winter Affect Your BMW’s Fuel Economy?

How Does Winter Affect Your BMW’s Fuel Economy? - Motorwerkes - BMW-Certified Maintenance

As we’ve discussed in a number of different contexts, winter weather affects many aspects of owning and operating your BMW. Aside from maintenance and driving technique, there’s also the issue of fuel economy. So how does this time of year affect your milage and what can you do?

Atmospheric Conditions

When temperatures drop, they take a toll on your transmission, the viscosity of engine oil and other fluids, the time it takes your BMW to get to operating temperature, your alternator’s ability to charge your battery, and more. The system is further stressed by the power it requires to produce warm air, heat your seats, and other functions commonly used during this season. As if that weren’t bad enough, lower temperatures mean denser air, leading to increased aerodynamic drag. All this adds up to more fuel used and less overall efficiency.

Road Conditions

A vehicle’s fuel efficiency is also significantly dependent on the conditions of the surfaces it travels on. Build-up of snow, slush, ice, and road salt as well as weather damage to asphalt all mean irregular surfaces, a considerable increase in resistance, and a decrease in speed relative to fuel consumption. Understandably, slower and more cautious driving takes place once winter is underway, as it very well should. The side-effect of this caution is, however, lower fuel efficiency. And don’t forget, your tires lose pressure with every decrease in ambient temperature!

Addressing the Problem

As you can see, there is a pretty wide range of things working against your BMW on cold days as far as mileage is concerned. Fortunately, there are also ways of compensating for their effects. As is often the case, it’s attentiveness and all the little things that come together over time. Keep your BMW parked in a garage when possible to avoid a chilled engine, avoid using your heat, defrosters, and seat warmers more than you need, don’t take frequent short trips, and keep an eye on that tire pressure. If you need more specific milage tips according to your vehicle, feel free to ask a certified BMW technician!

Boosting fuel economy may seem like a slow endeavour, but good habits can add up to a big difference for your BMW and your wallet over time. If you’d like to improve performance while saving on costs, get in touch with Motorwerkes at (403) 768-3165 and we’ll be happy to help!

Winter Driving Technique: Myths and Misconceptions

Winter Driving Technique: Myths and Misconceptions - Motorwerkes - BMW-Certified Maintenance

Taking care of a vehicle during winter involves a lot of attention and care. However, it’s not just about how your BMW runs or looks, it’s also about how you operate it. Unfortunately, there are quite a few winter driving myths out there to address! Here are just a few.

Cruise Control

While it may be convenient to use cruise control during that long winter trip to see family during the holidays, handing over this amount of control to your vehicle is very unwise in low traction situations. If an obstacle presents itself and you need to brake and make a sudden adjustment to your course, having the cruise control engaged means you’ll likely be unable to regain control in time. What’s more, your BMW’s cruise control could apply automatic acceleration at a hazardous moment, such as during a skid, leading you to hydroplane. The bottom line? During winter, cruise control means you lose control!

The Superiority of SUVs

Many drivers are led to believe that SUVs provide the absolute best in safety and performance everywhere you drive them. BMW SUVs are indeed outfitted with plenty of excellent features that improve stability and control when navigating irregular terrain off-road. However, it’s a mistake to assume that an SUV will give you optimum safety on paved roads that have been overcome with ice during winter. In this regard, they’re not necessarily better than a well-engineered sedan. Never assume that the type of vehicle you use is a replacement for smart, attentive driving at this time of year.

Skidding and Braking

There are few things more nerve-racking than the moment you realize you’re starting to lose control of your vehicle on a slick road. Drivers will deal with this situation differently depending on what source they’ve gotten their information from. As expected, there are plenty of misconceptions. For one thing, it’s often recommended not to engage the emergency brake, or to brake at all, as this can make the situation much worse. Turn into the skid, gently accelerate, and keep your eyes on where you want your vehicle to go. Drive with attention and care so that you can keep your vehicle, yourself, and your passengers safe!

Whether you’re maintaining your BMW or getting better at driving it, owning a performance vehicle is an adventure we’re just as inspired by as you. That’s why the Motorwerkes team will always provide the best BMW-certified maintenance. Call us at (403) 768-3165 today!

Signs that You’re Being Too Hard on Your BMW

Signs that You’re Being Too Hard on Your BMW - Motorwerkes - BMW Experts Calgary

Even if you’re attentive of how well your BMW is maintained, there are plenty of ways you can affect the health of our vehicle without being completely aware of it. Many can be categorized as driving habits, but not all of them. These examples will help you stay more aware.

Your Brakes and Transmission

One key to long-lasting brakes is to be smart about your driving and to avoid the assumption that you can rely on them for everything. Always calculate your distances wisely and be attentive of your stopping, both in terms of pressure and frequency. It’s also not uncommon for drivers to abuse their transmission without realizing that they’re doing so. Avoid sudden shifts from reverse to drive. If you’re driving manual, try not to rest on the transmission all the time, or you may be putting unnecessary stress on the system. And don’t ride the clutch either!

Your Engine

It can sometimes be tempting to rev up the engine or accelerate aggressively from a stop. While it’s great to enjoy the power of your BMW, it’s possible to enjoy a higher driving experience without compromising safety and the health of your engine. You don’t want to put excessive strain on your drivetrain, and you certainly don’t want to wear out your brakes with the inevitable hard stop that will follow. You should also avoid driving for too long with a low tank of gas, otherwise you could end up with unfriendly sediment in your fuel line or the need for a fuel pump replacement.

Other Bad Habits

Even if you pay close attention to all of the factors noted above, you never know which habits could be going unnoticed. For instance, it’s usually a bad idea to carry excessive loads, so be sure that you know the limits of your model before carrying large amounts of extra cargo. Not only does it affect your fuel economy, it’s not particularly good for your suspension, drivetrain, or brakes either. Last but not least, don’t fall into the habit of ignoring potential problems and putting off regular maintenance. Always watch out for anything unusual, and when it doubt, take it to a BMW certified technician!

Being equipped with the right knowledge and having a local technician to trust for maintenance are the two most important ways to make your BMW last. We’re here to help with both! Call Motorwerkes at (403) 768-3165 to find out what we can offer you.